The Diplomacy Diet is about brokering peace with our bodies by gutting the guilt and ending the wars with food and fad diets. We’ll sit at the table and learn how to focus on the issues that matter, use the art of negotiation to make small concessions that add up, and broker win-win deals with ourselves and our environments. Ultimately, we’ll shed the mental weight, learn to prepare and enjoy good-for-you food, and create healthy habits that stick. From setting intentions to setting ourselves up for success so the healthy choice is the easy choice, The Diplomacy Diet is here to guide us towards our healthiest, happiest selves. Our approach is practical, positive, and peaceful, and we think you'll enjoy the journey and love the results.

Why It Works

Your diet is about much more than what you eat! We change your perspective on what “healthy” means and looks like for you, and we empower you to make small changes and create holistic habits for a lifetime. Our program is tailored to your unique goals, so whether you want to manage your weight or your expectations, learn what to eat or when to eat it, or how to supplement and sleep more soundly, The Diplomacy Diet™ can take you there, gently and effectively.


What we offer

Health education and empowerment through:

  • one-on-one personalized wellness coaching
  • small focus group sessions
  • corporate presentations
  • kitchen and pantry makeovers
  • brand sponsorships
  • digital workshops (COMING SOON)

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